A cheeky visit to you… and the concept of choice…

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Adele in a country manor house

Hello All

I’m absolutely loving visiting you…  I was nervous about outcalls but now I’m really glad I stepped out of my comfort zone to give it a go.  Why haven’t I embraced these more previously?

An unexpected bonus of outcalls is that you do all the tidying up afterwards!  If you are inclined and I have the spare time, as you tidy up, we could have a chat over a brew.  I will bring the [s]cardboard[/s] oops I mean biscuits (darn these allergies) while you supply the kettle.

Some of you have some amazing ideas, it’s a talent to think outside of the box like that, but please keep it realistic especially, if we’ve never met before.  If it’s too crazy you are likely to just hear a click as the phone disconnects followed by silence.

For the less insane, I’m organising myself regarding the kit I bring with me, possibly a little OTT organisation but it works for me.  I have a bag for sensual delights and another for our kinkier exploits – just be sure to tell me when you book what your expectations of our time together are so I can bring the right bag.

No, I don’t turn up with chains clanking dragging the St Andrew’s Cross behind me, I leave that for you to collect out of my car lol.  I best clarify, before I get lots of silly requests – that was a JOKE I clearly don’t lug the dungeon furniture with me, discretion for BOTH of us is the name of the game.  I’m still cringing about the man who announced to all directions to my place and my security procedures, a massive thank you to AW for removing the silliness.  Why on God’s earth would any grown man think posting those details was a good idea?

Things have been mad lately but good mad, not scary mad well not for me anyway I can’t comment for some of my gentlemen visitors who have opted for something a little different.

It’s a shame I didn’t end up going out on a sailing boat this weekend, he got a better offer.  Possibly not a bad thing as it could have been a bit busy on the Solent with it being Cowes week.  Sadly, no Cowes week fireworks this year.  My neighbours didn’t get the memo and had an homage to the missing entertainment by randomly lighting up the sky with a firework party.  Dare I admit I do love the visuals of fireworks, the whoosh followed by those beautiful patterns of colour lighting up the sky.  Not sure about the bangs though.  With all scientific breakthroughs they’ve failed to do the nice sparkly bits without the loud bangs.  Oh dear, I’m at risk of sounding like those folk who move to the countryside and are then appalled and kick up a fuss because of the dust caused by harvesting for the one or two days a year that it takes to cut the crops.  I wonder how they will react to the muck spreading season lol.

I had the most amazing evening at the adult pantomime otherwise referred to as the Rocky Horror Show, thank you to the lovely gent who took me.  I did dress up, but sedately.  I must work on my time warp in an enclosed space.

Someone please tell me how I managed to cut my ear and lost half a toenail in a sensual massage and play experience.  Best to avoid my right foot during foot worship for the next couple of days while the toe heals up!  I can assure you it wasn’t revenge but I did manage to accidentally punch him (don’t ask) and hit him in the face!  The gentleman involved did insist that I mention the word “STUD” if I wrote about this adventure lol.  You know things never quite go to plan with me, but when I manage to come out unscathed, that’s not such a bad thing.

I’m receiving a lot of questions as to why I am giving up the apartment in Fareham.  After a tricky start when I moved to Fareham where every weirdo under the sun contacted me, I now really enjoy it here.  I get to enjoy sinful pleasures with some of the most amazing gentlemen.  However, there are a myriad of reasons for moving: dodgy landlord (arrogant and repair issues); dodgy letting agents (kids pretending to be adults); outstanding irritating repairs; plus major building work is about to commence so soon it won’t be discreet; and on top of all that the apartment is costing me over £20K a year to keep.  The cost wouldn’t be a problem without the irritations of lots of outstanding repairs, an idiot of a landlord, letting agent who think it’s ok to shout at me and the imminent major building work which will create constant noise, dust and a lack of anonymity.  Not an environment conducive to erotic pleasures.  Hope that clarifies it all.

I’m not adverse to getting another apartment in the area but I can’t find any that are in a decent condition, suitably discreet, big enough for how I operate and all at a reasonable cost.  While I wait to see what the housing market does, I will concentrate on outcalls for the more organised gent.  I’m also happy to book hotels and/or serviced apartments for longer bookings, just contact me with details and lots of notice.  Other than that, I hope to occasionally hire serviced apartments/hotels in the Hampshire area and possibly further afield to give us the opportunity to enjoy each other.  Details of what I mean by further afield in a later blog (assuming I remember to write it!).

That leads nicely into a little update on life and the Universe.  I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the direction I am about to take and can say I’m happy and content with my decisions both in the secret adult world and life away from the secret world.  Nothing is set in stone but I have an aim and am sauntering down that path enjoying the ambience.  If along the way I come to a fork I may change direction but only time will tell.

As a final note, after a couple of recent experiences it’s worth reminding you that [color=red]ladies also have a choice, we don’t HAVE TO see you[/colour=red].  I know that is shocking to some of you.  Truly it’s not a foregone conclusion just because you want to see us.  It’s all in the approach, don’t forget your Ps and Qs and please, as a bare minimum, have had a brief go at reading the profile.  I’ve written my profile so you can just go to the sections of interest to you and logistics part to negate the need to wade through it all.

Lots of you tell me you enjoy reading the whole of my profile and ponder on which of my delights appeal to you but then reread it, as it all appeals.  My advice would be to select the option that has sparked your interest the most, the details of the experience that you are drawn to reread more than the others, as the introduction to my erotic world of pleasure.

I’ve rambled more than intended but just had so much I wanted to share.  I will look forward to our erotic adventures.

Adele x

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