Random observations from my world of pleasure:

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Lady In Red

Adele Smyth June 2023

Gents, I’m pleased to say the doc has said all’s good so I will be back on Tuesday.  It was a little scary waiting for the results of tests to see if I needed immediate life-saving treatment.  I’m pleased to say I didn’t, long story and no I’m not being a drama queen.  Just to reiterate, please do not visit if you have any coughs, colds, or other contagious ailments.  If you’ve been near anyone with measles, chickenpox, shingles or covid you must let me know so I can make a judgement call, it’s not your place to make that decision when it concerns my health.

  • I know lots of you are just waiting with bated breath for an update about my trip to Europe:  It’s been proven I can’t go anywhere without there being an “event”.  Why did I think it was a good idea to chase a pickpocket across a plaza?   I soon came to my senses with the realisation that I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do, in the extremely unlikely event that I caught him!  The good news is that my companion’s wallet was retrieved, in the excitement of the moment the thief tripped over and dropped the wallet.  I like to think it was out of fear of me catching him, but it is more likely to have been he didn’t see a step when he glanced back lol.


  • My stay in Sandbanks was beautiful.  The hotel was fabulous, I even got a furtive offer of contraband whispered to me!  It was fabulous, normally I leave waiters and chefs quaking in my wake due to some very strict requirements bu the contraband chocolate brownie was over and above.  It made my evening! lol


  • I’m loving the sunshine.  I’ve managed to catch the sun without too much of a reaction.  OK I admit it, I was catching up with a friend’s news and hadn’t twigged just how strong the sun was.  I may bravely attempt to let the rays kiss my pale skin this year and see what happens.  I’m so excited that my allergy to the sun may be subsiding and I won’t be the saddest vampire with no option but to sadly look out of the window while all are having fun lol.  I don’t want to tempt fate but fingers crossed.


  • Random top tip I want to pass onto you: don’t go dancing on chairs the day after having biopsies taken.  Oooucchh that hurt!


  • I was a trouper donning PVC and thigh high boots on a hot day.  Granted they didn’t stay on for long while I gave a very good impression of a puddle.  Lots of fun was had but gents that attire is now for cooler days or only when you stand holding several fans on me.


  • By the way, my hair is darker now.  Still on the blonde scale, only just, a dark strawberry with a golden hue.  For the next few weeks it will be dark blonde, almost brown then it will hopefully be lightened up a touch.


  • I feel a shopping trip coming.  I’m having a wardrobe clear-out; it appears lots of my clothes have stretched in the wash!  Who would ever have thought I would be finding excuses for clothes being too big lol.


  • On a very important matter, my last day for pleasure in Fareham will be Tuesday, 1st August.  I am planning to concentrate on outcalls with various incall dates in different locations.  This means my availability will decrease but I’m sure the more organised gentleman won’t have an issue with this.Some of those incalls will be Hampshire based but I am going to take the time to visit some areas I’ve previously enjoyed and hope they will be equally as much fun this time round.  I also have visits to Yorkshire and Glasgow coming up before September.  I’m toying with the idea of a visit to the deep West Country, and Wales may be on the agenda too.  Please keep an eye on my website, in particular blogs for more details as we get closer to the time.

Have I bombarded you with too much babbling and information?  I thought so.  It may help if you relax with a chilled drink and enjoy the evening.

Until we meet.

Adele x

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