Belated Merry Christmas…

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Merry Christmas everyone.  Yes, I know I’m a little late!

Hope you all had a fabulous one.

I was lucky enough to experience a white Christmas and spend time with loved ones.

It’s hard to get back into routine now I’m back in Hampshire but I’m slowly getting myself a little more organised.  I must admit I’ve just binge watched Miranda – what can I say her wedding was the most romantic and I had a tear in my eye partly from laughing but… what can I say I’m a romantic at hear, if you haven’t already, you just have to watch it!

It would appear I’ve caused some confusion.  I’d like to reassure gents who I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying I would love to continue our journey of exploration and fun in our own indomitable way.  I’ve only pulled my advertising as I am no longer taking on new lovers and playmates.  Why?  Well, lockdown hasn’t done a lot of folk a favour and any semblence of social etiquette or indeed basic communication skills had gone out of the window combined with the greater number of contacts being either obvious tyre kickers or those of dubious character.  I much prefer to stick with the gents I already know and enjoy.

Sadly following an unnerving experience I can’t stress enough, IT IS NEVER ACCEPTABLE for anyone TO COME TO MY PROPERTY UNINVITED no matter what reason you think you may have.  For anyone to make a point that they know my non-adult industry name is totally out of order and smacks of obsession which can only end in tears.

To my fabulous lovers who show me respect and understand what discretion is, you are always welcome to contact me to arrange a mutually convenient and delicious rendezvous.


Adele xxx

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