The woes of Cinder’s dress!

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So here I am, alone with my party frock.  When I say frock it’s less frock more beautiful ensemble.  I’m longingly looking at it on the hanger, in awe of the sparkles and desperately trying to refrain from stroking the beautiful velvet.  It’s effortless elegant, figure flattering and just simply perfect, designed to hit just the right note at the right event.

It’s not the frock’s fault that it is left on the shelf.  I must do something to rectify this terrible predicament.  It deserves to be worn, to be shown off in its full glory, to be admired.  It’s longing to be worn and to sweep down a grand staircase leaving a shower of glitter at every step.  That’s the dress not me I’m taking about, just in case you were wondering.

I guess I could sell it on, I’m sure it will go quickly as it did cost a pretty penny…

…but where’s the fun in that?

You know me always making the best of a bad situation…

So here are the options:

  • A party with the theme of glam party frocks. Everyone, gents included, wearing sparkly party frocks.  A true blinding sequin fest.  The venue could be a problem unless I combine it with a belated housewarming.  Could I cope with all those feet standing on my carpet and the drink spills?  OMG the finger smudges on the doors and surfaces, I’m hyperventilating at the thought!  Ok now in meltdown thinking of the washing up too.  Do you think I could hire a cleaning crew for during the party, I could put named paper markers on the floor for each person to stay on and if they dared move off that marker the cleaning crew could whizz into action.  Sound fun to you?  It does to me lol.


  • There’s the option of just wearing it at inappropriate times, maybe around the supermarket, washing the car (goodness it does need cleaning), having a stroll down the beach. Sadly, it just wouldn’t do it justice and I would refer you back to the “shower of glitter” at every move alluded to above.


  • Now I think this one has legs – I could angle for invites for the frock, obviously I would have to accompany it to every event. I can just see it, a party a night.  I could team it with different heels for each event. Just think you could be having a cozy soiree, even perhaps a big ball and up rocks the said frock with a fanfare!  I can tell you are going for that one.  I will await the invites lol.


Wishing you all a fabulous weekend.

Adele x

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